Monday 20 February 2017

BSA 306 Motion capture and the Uncanny Valley

Motion Capture

Motion capture is the process or technique of recording patterns of movement digitally, especially the recording of an actor's movements for the purpose of animating a digital character in a film or video game.

Motion capture Society: The History and Current State of motion capture

1774 Johann Heinrich Lambert, develops "spatial resection" * [footnote: Lambert is better known for proving that pi is an irrational number and for developing the lighting model bearing his name.]
1840 Arago, suggests use of daugerrotype for cartographic measurement
1849 Laussedat (Father of Photogrammetry), uses photographs to make maps
1856 Porro, invents first means of correcting lens distortion [footnote: better know for the Porro Prism used in standard binoculars to widen the stereo view.]
1867 Laussadat, exhibits Photothéodolite and plan of Paris made from rooftops
1872 Muybridge, begins work on sequential photography
1880 etienne-jules marey developed animated photography into a separate field of chronophotography
1882 Etienne-Jules Marey develops the chronophotographic gun, capable of taking pictures at 12 frame a second
1893 Meydenbaur, coins the term "photogrammetry"
1899 Finsterwalder, publishes "The Geometric Fundamentals of Photogrammetry"
1915 Max Fleischer, develops rotoscope technique
1924 Gruber, projective equations of photogrammetry and their differentials
1930 Fenn & Morrison, analyze motion w/100 fps film, 1m lattice, black markers, dropped ball for synch
1937 Snow White and her Prince are animated using rotoscoping
1939 Cureton, analyzes limits of multiplier technique (planar motion analysis)
1940s Church, equations for resection, intersection, etc.
1953 Schmid, matrix equations for multi-station photogrammetry, with error analysis
1953 Zeller, interrupted light markers trace motion of athelete in long stereo exposure
1960 Aidman and Sigmark, strobe illuminated reflectors to analyze car collisions
1960s Disney Imagineering uses mechanical “motion programming” for audio animatronics
1960s Bill Polhemus at Harvard University, magnetic tracker
1962 First human motion to drive a digital character, :ee Harrisons Animac
1965 Handiman & Hardiman are developed at General Electric
1965 Garnov & Dubovic, time-matching cine film from multiple cameras for analysis
1967 Torlegård, determining interior parameters of non-metric cameras
1968 Noble, 3 cameras on axes, multiplier technique for 3D motion analysis
1970 Polhemus founded
1970 Susanka & Diblik, Miller, 3D analysis techniques eliminating perspective error
1971 Abdel-Aziz & Karara, Direct Linear Transformation (DLT) for close range photogrammetry
1973 Lippert, plexiglas markers directly attached to bones
1975 Selcom, SELSPOT active marker system
1976 Van Wijk & Ziemann, analytical close-range cine-photogrammetry
1982 Selcom, SELSPOT II active marker system
1983 Simon Frasier Univ., Tom Calvert, potentiometer-based Goniometers for computer analysis
1983 Ginsberg & Maxwell, MIT, "Graphical Marionette"
1983 Motion Analysis founded
1983 MIT, Ginsberg & Maxwell, Graphical Marionette, Op-Eye active markers track body position
1983 Northern Digital, WATSMART active led system
1984 Oxford-Metrics, Limited founded (Vicon is US name)
1984 Bio Mechanics Inc, founded
1985 Robert Abel and Associates, "Brilliance" commercial uses "digital rotoscoping"
1985 Sun-1 computer takes 17 hours to compute 8 points from 4 cameras on 3-second trial
1986 Ascension founded
1988 Polhemus, 3Space digitizer (single channel)
1988 Dotcomix (then Protozoa), "Mike the Talking Head" puppeteered with hand controller
1988 Pacific Data Images, Jim Henson’s "Waldo C. Graphic" puppeteered with mechanical arm
1988+ Pacific Data Images, lightweight plastic exoskeleton using potentiometers
1989 First CG movie created using passive optical 'Don't Touch Me',Kleizer Walzac,Motion Analysis
1990 Northern Digital, Optotrak 3020
1990 First TV commercial created using passive optical body motion capture, superfluo BTS ELITE
1990 First Feature film - Total Recall - Motion Analysis
1990 Ascension, Bird (single channel magnetic)
1991 Ascension, Flock of Birds
1991 Second Feature film to feature motion capture - Lawnmower Man
1992 Sim Graphics?, Mario, “Face Waldo” mechanical face-tracker glued to performer’s skin
1992 First TV commercial created using face and body optical capture, superfluo BTS ELITE
1992 First Music Video creates using passive optical - Peter Gabriel, Steam
1992 Motion Reality demonstrates single character realtime body capture
1993-4 Stan Winston Studio & ILM, Dinosaur Input Device digital stop-motion armature
1993 Acclaim, SIGGRAPH ’93, 2-character animation, 100+ passive markers, proprietary system
1994 Motion-Analysis, first sale to entertainment market (US game developer)
1994 Polhemus, Fas Track?
1994 Digital Image Design, The Monkey 2 digital stop-motion armature
1994 Analogus founded
1994 Motion Analysis introduces the head-mounted Face Tracker facial capture system
1994 Charynwood Dynamics, CODA mpx30 active marker system
1995 First video game created using passive optical, Namco, Soul Edge
1995 Vicon, 370e system, first system sold to Jim Henson's Creature Shop
1995 First use of motion capture to drive animatronics and cg simultaneously at Jim Hensons Creature Shop, Mary Reilly
1995 Motion-Analysis, Segro, solves translation data to skeleton rotation on scaling limbs
1995 Ascension, Motion Star?
1995 Puppetworks founded
1996 Motion Reality demonstrates 6 person optical realtime
1996 Analogus, Animatton
1996 Motion-Analysis, Mocap Solver, translation data to rigid skeleton
1996 Motion-Analysis, auto-marker labelling software
1996 Digital Domain uses optical Motion Capture of a Tiger as well as humans to animate Lomai the Leopard man and Mice Men on the"Island of Doctor Moreau"
1997 Puppetworks, The Puppet digital stop-motion armature
1997 First Live action and Motion Capture TV show, Jim Hensons Creature Shop, Merlin
1997 Ascension, Motion Star Wireless
1997 First live action movie to feature facial capture,Lost in Space, Motion Analysis
1997 Analogus, Gypsy
1997 First all CG TV show made using magnetic motion capture - medialab, Donkey Kong Country
1997 Natural Point? Founded
1998 Puppetworks, Body Tracker
1998 Analogus, Gypsy 2
1998 First all CG tv show made using passive optical - Motion Analysis, 'Voltron'
1998 Vicon, Vicon 8 system, first system sold to Industrial Light and Magic
1998 Motion-Analysis, real time output
1999 Dual 450 M Hz? Pentium computes 70 markers from 10 cameras in real-time
1999 Vicon, Vicon 8 rt, real time output
1999 Modern Cartoons captures face, body and hand capture of multiple talent
1999 PTI Phoeni X? Technologies, Visualeyez VS-2000 introduced
2000 Motion-Analysis develops 32 camera passive optical system
2000 Vicon, M series camera with 1,000 by 1,000 pixel resolution
2000 Motion Analysis Eagle digital cameras introduced
2001 Final Fantasy 'The Spirits Within' is released
2001 Peter Jackson brings Golem to life for 'Lord Of the Rings' Trilogy
2001 Naturalpoint introduces Track IR? headtracker
2001 Motion Analysis demonstrates realtime capture for multiple talent
2001 Image Metrics introduces markerless facial capture
2004 Vicon / Sony develops 64 camera passive optical system capable of face and body simultaneously
2004 Robert Zemeckis shoots 'Polar Express'
2004 Naturalpoint launches optitrack desktop motion capture system
2004 Giant demonstrates 10 person realtime capabilities
2005 Motion Analysis, Giant and Vicon awarded academy award for motion capture achievements
2006 Organic Motion incorporated
2006 ILM develops I Motion? system for 'Pirates Of the Caribean Dead Mans Chest'
2006 Motion Analysis demonstrates 10 person realtime optical capture
2006 Vicon / Sony develops 200 camera optical system
2006 Gil Keenan and Robert Zemeckis shoot 'Monster House'
2006 Japanese develop Robot Suit HAL,a wearable cyborg-suit/robot
2006 Motion Capture Movie 'Renaissance' is released
2007 Naturalpoint introduces Arena Body capture
2007 Vicon / Sony develops 238 camera optical system
2007 Mova surface capture system introduced
2007 'Happy Feet' wins Best Animated Oscar
2007 Vicon demonstrates ten person realtime body capture
2007 Xsens Moven inertial suit introduced
2007 Image Movers Digital founded.
2007 Organic Motion introduces 'open stage' markerless body capture
2007 James Cameron shoots 'Avatar'.
2008 Vicon introduces 16 megapixel T160 cameras
2008 Raytheon Sarcos XOS wearable exoskeleton debuts
2008 Motion Analysis 150 camera three person realtime system developed
2008 Robert Zemeckis shoots 'Christmas Carol'
2009 District 9 - mocap used for 'Prawn' characters
2009 Military unveils the HULC un-tethered, hydraulic-powered wearable anthropomorphic exoskeleton
2009 Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson shoot first of three Tintin movies
2009 Robert Zemeckis shoots 'Mars Needs Moms'
2010 Motion Analysis announces Raptor cameras and 'shoot outside' capabilities
2011 Real Steel - mocap used for fighting robots
2011 John Carter Warlord of Mars
2011 Ceasar:Rise of the Apes - mocap used for apes
2011 Green Lantern - mocap used for suits and characters
2014 Animatrik captures 21 people in real-

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Uncanny Valley

Used in reference to the phenomenon whereby a computer-generated figure or humanoid robot bearing a near-identical resemblance to a human being arouses a sense of unease or revulsion in the person viewing it.
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