Sunday 31 July 2016

BSA Somin

Brainstorm Ideas
How can you make a challenging survival game with one character in a small open world?
  1. Collect some sort of life giver. Against the clock.
  2. As day and night cycles. Find food and shelter
  3. Maintain pace as to not run out of energy as pressure builds to work faster
  4. Find water and food in a consistent ratio against the clock
  5. Find consumables as fast as you can, try and beat your own time 
  6. Survive for as long as you can while running jumping from safe space to safe space as the odds stack 
  7. against you
  8. Explore to find a range of items which increase your life span at varying increments, spaced at varying distances.
  9. Run away from ghost and find food for points, food turns into ghosts that further chase you. (increasing danger)
  10. The water level is rising faster and faster, find and remove plugs that lower the water table
  11. Run from giant expanding balls of energy, spawning randomly all over the place.
  12. Puzzle from skyrim
  13. Educate to survive I n real life environments
  14. Sinking Boat, get out
  15. Get rescued as soon as possible
  16. Leave something behind that will contribute to the survival of the next player or themselves when they trek back
  17. Fish out of water, pond puddles over land to ocean
  18. Being hunted survive the night
  19. Cave in, get out
  20. In a mouth, try not to get eaten
  21. Eat bits of yourself to survive
  22. Dink pee like Bear Grilles
  23. Hunted by a big cat, run set traps distraction, maybe even hunt it
  24. Have to strategically eat your own clothes which leaves you exposed
  25. Survive as earth galactic entity, has to grow fauna and flora as asteroids , aliens, solar flares etc try to hunt you/your planet.
  26. Leave bits of yourself behind (or send ahead)
  27. which will give you more info about the environment but you to collect it back to survive
  28. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
  29. Find shelter in the desert, don't stay exposed, avoid sand lions
  30. Collect em all, nerd has to collect as many games as he can before he runs out of mountain Jew
  31. and Doritos
  32. Rat simulator
  33. Keep a spinning world plate spinning by moving people and objects around (city's and mountains)
  34. Alien that needs different things an earth organism, so learning about the creature is involved
  35. Deserted island, gather food, resources etc
  36. A character vulnerable to wind, stay in shelter while getting buffed around, acrobatic game
  37. Frozen tundra, get food, keep warm, resources etc
  38. Evac point, nuclear winter
  39. You can't get water, you have to get two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule. 
  40. Player starts out with everything, then loses it bit by bit- have to conserve resource to get the the end
  41. Die if you touch light or shadow, shadow simulator
  42. Survive on a desert, Stay hydrated
  43. Survive the storm
  44. The world is made of micro environments and the survival need one constantly changing
  45. Timed, collecting an artifact gives you extra time
  46. Hunted in general by a predotorial creature
  47. In a space ship shuttle, aliens, asphyxiation
  48. Starvation simulator, hunt food, things could be poisonous
  49. Ice creature, don't melt
  50. Character sheds its skin periodically, and its powers gt mixed up. Gamer must keep adjusting to change

Wednesday 20 July 2016


40 Game Ideas

1.       How can you make a challenging survival game with one character in a small open world?
1.1.     Collect some sort of life giver. Against the clock.
1.2.     As day and night cycles. Find food and shelter
1.3.     Maintain pace as to not run out of energy as pressure builds to work faster
1.4.     Find water and food in a consistent ratio against the clock
1.5.     Find consumables as fast as you can, try and beat your own time  
1.6.     Survive for as long as you can while running jumping from safe space to safe space as the odds stack against you
1.7.     Explore to find a range of items which increase your life span at varying increments, spaced at varying distances.
1.8.     Run away from ghost and find food for points, food turns into ghosts that further chase you. (increasing danger)
1.9.     The water level is rising faster and faster, find and remove plugs that lower the water table
1.10.                     Run from giant expanding balls of energy, spawning randomly all over the place.

2.       How can you stimulate the creativity of players as they journey through a derelict Victorian house?
2.1.     thematic Puzzles
2.2.     Limited resources, to bridge obstacles
2.3.     Time constraints to solve challenging obstacle courses
2.4.     Points to beat
2.5.     Time to beat
2.6.     Reward creativity with points
2.7.     Small selection of tools used to solve puzzles, combined in different ways yields different uses
2.8.    Use a system of addition, subtraction, divide and multiplication of the total points earned from completing goals. Players collect objects that will either lower points (subtraction, divide) or increase points (addition, multiplication) alongside objects with a number.  Collect number and ‘changers’ in certain ways to yield the most points. While pressure builds.
2.9.    Combine colours, certain colours needed to progress
2.10.                     Character is uptight, clamber through the house overcoming obstacles without dirtying their clothes. Or over working them

3.       What kind of platformer could be made with mechanics themed around a nine tails fox character?
3.1.     Use the tail as a propeller
3.2.     All the extra tails are just other foxes who’ve got stuck in his/her butt, start with one normal tail then run around the field sitting on other foxes until you have nine. You get heavier and run out of energy as you go, gotta be conservative with movement   
3.3.    Fox tails deplete as you are hurt, regenerate as you progress
3.4.    All the animals have nine tails, slowly use your fox weapons to have it be that you are the only nine tailed animal
3.5.     Use the tails to jump, in a motion similar to a jelly fish.
3.6.     Collect tails around the map as fast as you can.
3.7.     Each tail is a different colour can only go in certain places if you have a certain colour tail
3.8.    Change between tail and human to cross obstacles
3.9.    Use tails to disguise into certain things, different things have different uses
3.10.                     Become an attractive human to lure farmer away from chickens, race to eat his as many of his chickens before he gets back. A fox gotta eat.

4.       What obstacles could a rubber man face as he tries to free his friends?
4.1.     Progressively darker pencils/pens
4.2.     Being stereotyped as a ‘smudgy rubber’ because he was cheap
4.3.     Being swooned by a curvy kneaded eraser
4.4.     Existential crisis as he realises he is the bad rubber, and that his friends are part of a fascist movement, which never wanted democracy but a dictatorship which supported its purist, stationary world ideals.
4.5.     Hole punch monster, any stationary monster
4.6.    Rubber man is adopted. Has to erase his shunned pencil parents tracks as best he can whilst trying to free the very rubbers that would enslave them. Points bonus based on how much of their tracks you erase
4.7.     Rubber man is bouncy, gotta bounce with skill to save friends.
4.8.     Rubber man has to climb a stack of stationary, to save the damsel rubber in distress, challenging obstacle course, time to beat.
4.9.     Save friends while pencils and other writing utensils fall point first on to him
4.10.                     Procedurally generated game where rubbers mark points of progress as you run on a endless obstacle track

Saturday 9 July 2016

BSA 226

There is the scene I used for the animation, I went through a bunch of designs for the map around the side, eventually I went for quite a simple design. It basically consists of round hills with a ground and blue sky. It ended up being fine in the animation which is good.  

BSA 226

There is the scene I used for the animation, I went through a bunch of designs for the map around the side, eventually I went for quite a simple design. It basically consists of round hills with a ground and blue sky. It ended up being fine in the animation which is good.  

BSA 225/BSA 226

Here are large rocks used in the final animation. I ended up not using a big cliff as originally thought. If ended up making more sense to use big rocks as these where in the backdrop through out the animation.

BSA 225/BSA 226

Here you can see the tumbleweed used in the final animation. I ended up going with the PNG texture version, because, not only did I prefer the look, but also the render times where much more manageable.

BSA 225/BSA 226

Here are the four flowers used in the animation. I was happy with all of them, especially the fourth one. Over all the flowers where fun to make,  I utilized PNG textures to make leaves and so forth.

BSA 225/BSA 226

Here you can see the nest and eggs used in the finished animation. I achieved the look i was going for here, for both nest and the egg. I made the nest by using PNG images as textures which can have transparent areas.

BSA 225/BSA 226

Here you can see the finished rocks used in the animation. These actually took quite a long time to make as they where the first assets I made and I was still deciding on a style.