Tuesday 24 February 2015

Landscape Practise

BMD 126 Character Head Development

I've worked towards making my character entirely humanoid, I think I like where its headed.

BDM 125 First Act Review



Yohann Auroux Bernard
Sebastion De Oliveira Bispo
Gary Fouchy



This short film's first act successfully introduces the film, it begins by showing the viewers a normal day on the farm. It is sunny and colorful with light music which indicates at the mood and atmosphere of the film. We see clearly that is is set on a farm with simple shots of the barn and farm animals. The main character is introduced as seemingly going about his daily business on the farm. Soon after, we are revealed the inciting incident, as the farmer stumbles upon a chicken-less chicken nest, only to find that the chicken is floating in the rafters as a chock shaped helium balloon. Next we see a cow has followed suit and is also ballooned up, it is struggling to enter the barn. This marks the first plot point of the film. Also almost as a' second' first plot point we here a women scream, as a rat has also ballooned in the farmers lounge. This ends the first act of the short film

BDM 126 Character Concepts

Just trying to come up with a design that is simple enough to be redrawn efficiently, but is also original. Might try a different look though, maybe something more humanoid?

Monday 23 February 2015

BDM 125 Act 2 Review


A Fox Tale


Director and producer:
Thomas Bozovic
Alexandre Caxzals
Julien Legay

Method and style of the animation 
Full 3D, cartoonish

The second act of this short animation consists of the main character (a fox) after revealing itself to be more than the hunters dinner, but actually a beautiful female in disguise. The first half of act two consists of the hunters being swooned by the fox lady as she meanders around the pond we see the characters both take an interest in her simultaneously, she soon wanders of leading them into the physical debate and this marks the midpoint of the film. The second half of act two consists of the two fighting to the point where they at each others throats on top of a mountain. The larger of the two manages to toss the other hunter into the storm raging above them it seems he has won the contest for the girl and this marks the second plot point of the animation. Soon the other hunter falls from the sky angrier and more powerful, the conflict rises on ward until both of the hunters are suspended in mid air among a thunder storm and it is clear they are both in trouble, this builds to the crisis of the film.

BDM 125 Opening Scene Review


Game of Thrones
[Winter is Coming]


Montage:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7L2PVdrb_8
Opening Scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVGnJ4v7L-o

The opening sequence consists of a fairly traditional montage, showing credentials and a clear depiction of the setting. We get to feel the atmosphere by use of a consistent color pallet and the classical score sets the overall tone of the show quickly. 
The first scene follows suit, with a consistent color range and appropriate, atmospheric music. we are introduced to three characters of the episode with a straight forward portrait. This is followed by what appears to be a gate opening and then the trio making their way down a tunnel and then exiting the tunnel out the other side, they are heavily armed and seemingly 'prepared' for what is coming, this represents the characters intent as it is clear they have a task to fulfill. We're shown the setting with the guidance of a high angle shot of the landscape. 

The characters motives and situation are portrayed with the use of dialogue; after discovering what appears to be a mass killing, the writer optimizes the conversion between the characters 
"I never scene wildlings do a thing like this" and 
"Our orders were to track the wildlings, we tracked them. We should head back to wall",
"you wanna run away south, run away. Of course they will behead you as a deserter, if I don't catch you first". 
The writer has given the viewer a taste of the story and raises many questions. Overall this dialogue with the clear depiction of a cold and miserable ambiance, reveal a conflict in the story. After the characters (with an opposing majority; suggests that maybe they are making a mistake) commit to further investigate the mass grave, they are surprised to find the dead gone. This clearly stumps the viewer and the characters alike and yet raises further questions on the situation. Shortly after, the characters are attacked by the 'dead'. We are shown the strength of the enemy with a graphic, execution scene. The opening scene ends with one of the characters knelt before the head of his brethren, followed by a fade out and haunting music.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

BDM126 Tone practise

Quick tone practice, looking to improve my line work.

BDM126 Film Review #1

Johnny Express


Alfred Imageworks

Director and producer:
Kyungmin Woo

Alfred Imageworks


Method and style of the animation 
Full 3D, cartoonish

This short animation is appealing in many ways, following a lazy space delivery man struggling with finding his client on a miniature planet. It is humorous and colorful, which contrasts greatly to its truthfully, comically, grim plot. Woo, created simplistic designs for the elements of the animation, which work well with the tidy and linear narrative. The characters are animated flawlessly and are easy to follow. Overall the animation is clever and original.